Meet Dr Robyn S. Joppy
With over 20 years of combined experience in corporate and regulatory compliance, Dr. Robyn S. Joppy is an expert in her field.
Over the years, she has worked in both the healthcare and dental industries as well as the non-profit sector. In addition, she worked as the vice president of corporate compliance and integrity at an international human services organization, as well as served as an integrity consultant for faith-based organizations, trade associations and more.
Robyn has always felt passionate about helping others and she finds true pleasure in connecting with others. Over the course of her career, she has conducted over 200 workshops and 100 keynote presentations, as well as co-authored the One Company’s Perspective on Employee Education: E+E+E=E (Compliance & Ethics Professional, 2014). Her entrepreneurial spirit and extensive knowledge of the industry drove her to create the Compliance Gazette, a newsletter distributed to over 3,500 domestic and international employees on a quarterly basis.
Robyn’s true passion is education and self-improvement. She is a graduate of Drexel University, Syracuse University, Pennsylvania State University, and George Washington University. Robyn believes that the key to success is continuous self-development and she is constantly seeking to learn more and polish her skills in public speaking, compliance education and training, human resource development, mentoring and coaching, and market research and analysis.
Her in-depth knowledge of national health care policies and financing issues, compliance requirements and trends, legislation and initiatives has helped her establish long-lasting relationships with some of the leading medical and professional societies, and a wide network of contacts within trade associations, congressional members, hospitals, senior citizen groups and other special interest communities.
Robyn is also a member of the Health Care Compliance Association (HCCA), the Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics (SCCE), and the Northeastern Educational Research Association (NERA).